A collection of postcards, essays, correspondence, magazines, and promotional materials.

About Dick Higgins:
Best known as a co-founder of the Fluxus art movement and coiner of the art form "intermedia", Dick Higgins was an American artist, poet, composer, theorist, and publisher, who founded Something Else Press. Out of Something Else Press came many important texts and artworks from Fluxus related artists in the 1960's such as John Cage, Alison Knowles, George Brecht, Henry Cowell, Merce Cunningham, Gertrude Stein, Philip Corner, Allan Kaprow, Jackson Mac Low, and many others.

Notes from Charles Amirkhanian:

"About 1966, I became interested in the Happenings movement in NYC. I had read about it in Time Magazine, as I recall, and had purchased an expensive coffee table book by Allan Kaprow published by Abrams called Assemblage, Environments & Happenings with large black and white photos of actual performances that ranged from very personal and low-key to thoroughly exhibitionistic and sensational.

I learned about another practitioner of this form, Dick Higgins, and wrote to him in NY. He sent me a large box of books on this and related subjects that he’d published with his Something Else Press and I began to produce events inspired especially by Dick’s “Events” pieces—short written instructions to be used as a performance score—and continued to be in touch by mail. When I began to travel to NY in the late Seventies to perform concerts with Carol Law, we made a point to visit Dick and his wife Alison Knowles. Alison would let us stay at their loft on Spring Street on occasion. One day I mentioned to him that Carol and I would like to have a business name for our joint and individual projects as visual artist and composer, respectively. “But we aren’t involved in one art form, so it’s difficult. We have different media—arts plural.” “That’s it," he said. “You should call your business Arts Plural!” It seemed to fit nicely, and therefore we adopted it. (It also mirrored the name of Dick’s own Something Else Press. And, in a way, is related to the name of 'Other Minds.')"

Higgins, Dick, 1938- (is related to); Knowles, Alison, 1933- (is related to); Higgins, Hannah, 1964- (is related to)