KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Contemporary Music: Fifth Biennial Survey of Contemporary Music: Works by Rudolf Komorous & Petr Kotik

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Series
Contemporary Music
Program Length
28 min
1973-08-06 | broadcast
| 402 | created
One of a series of programs originating from the International Service of Belgium Radio and Television in which the works of contemporary composers are highlighted. Heard first is “Olympia” by Rudolf Komorous, a work scored for a variety of instruments and sound making devices including flexatone, melodica, mouth-harmonica, nightingale whistles, bells, and ratchet. Komorous was born in Prague but has made his home in Canada, where he has taught at the University of Victoria. The second work “There is Singularly Nothing” by Petr Kotik, is a fragment of a much larger work, and features a text by Gertrude Stein. Kotik was also born in Prague, but moved to the U. S. where he founded the Society of Electronic Music of Buffalo. Taken together these two compositions offer a unique window into European avant-garde music during the late 1960s and early 1970s, an unusually productive period for experimental composers.
New music
Musical Selections
Olympia (1964) (5:08) / Rudolf Komorous -- There is Singularly Nothing [text by Gertrude Stein] (1971-73) (18:51) / Petr Kotik
Society of Electronic Music of Buffalo
Petr Kotík, director (There)
Avant-garde (Music)
New music
Aleatory music
Flute and percussion music
Vocal music
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts.