Philip Glass, Meredith Monk, Jon Jang, Julia Wolfe, and Trimpin, seated around a musical score, 1993

Other Minds Festivals ➔ Philip Glass, Meredith Monk, Jon Jang, Julia Wolfe, & Trimpin, seated around a musical score, in discussion, ver. 1, Woodside CA, (1993)

Still image

John Fago
1993-11-01/1993-11-30 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Group Photographs
Image Series
OM01: Fago B&W Prints
In a photograph that captures the spirit of the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, composers Philip Glass, Meredith Monk, Jon Jang, Julia Wolfe, & Trimpin (l to r) are seen seated in a circle around a low table upon which is placed a musical score. Trimpin appears to be making a point during their discussion as the other four listen intently. Additional people were also gathered around this inner circle but can not be identified. This photograph was taken at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program prior to the 1st Other Minds Music Festival in Nov. 1993. The Djerassi Artist in Residence program was founded by the inventor of the birth control pill, Dr. Carl Djerassi. Like the McDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire, the Djerassi Foundation, situated in the Santa Cruz Mountains above the town of Woodside CA, is a place where artists are invited to stay for a week of more to work in peaceful and supportive surroundings.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--1990-2000
Musical notation
Image Ownership
John Fago
Photo Credits
John Fago