Luc Ferrari, lying on the floor, with group of composers and friends, Bonn Germany, 1982

Charles Amirkhanian Collection ➔ Luc Ferrari, lying on the floor, with group of composers and friends, Bonn Germany, 1982

Still image

Luc Ferrari
1982 | created
Work Type
Photomechanical print
Image Class
Composer & Performer Portraits
Image Series
Luc Ferrari Images
Luc Ferrari lays down in front a group of male composers and two unidentified female companions. The men standing in the photograph are (l to r): Pierre Schaeffer, Bernard Parmegiani, Michel Redolfi, and Michel Chion. All of the men are avant-garde composers and this image was taken on the occasion of a 1982 concert in Bonn, Germany. This photograph is an homage to an iconic image taken of a group of composers at the Exposition Universelle et Internationale, or World’s Fair, in Brussels, 1958. In that famous image was John Cage, who was laying on the floor before a group of composers that included Luc Ferrari and Pierre Schaeffer.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--1980-1990
Image Ownership
Photo Credits
Unknown. Image courtesy of Luc Ferrari.