Eleanor Amirkhanian & Carol Law, full length portrait, standing, Berkeley CA, 1992

Charles Amirkhanian Collection ➔ Eleanor Amirkhanian & Carol Law, full length portrait, standing, Berkeley CA, 1992

Still image

1992-03-07 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Charles Amirkhanian & Family
Image Series
A Day at KPFA, March 7, 1992
Eleanor Amirkhanian (left) with Carol Law, in the offices of KPFA-FM, in Berkeley CA, March 7, 1992. Eleanor is the mother of the, then, KPFA Music Director, Charles Amirkhanian, and Law is his wife. Seen on the wall to the right of Law is a work by Jim Melchert, a Berkeley based artist, and long time contributor to KPFA, Other Minds, and the Bay Area avant-garde arts community.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--1990-2000
Radio stations
Image Ownership
Charles Amirkhanian
Photo Credits
(likely Charles Amirkhanian)