Soo-Jin Hong, Jens Elvekjaer, & Bent Sørensen (l to r), half length portrait, conferring, prior to performing at OM 14, San Francisco CA, (2009)

Other Minds Festivals ➔ Soo-Jin Hong, Jens Elvekjaer, & Bent Sørensen (l to r), half length portrait, conferring, prior to performing at OM 14, San Francisco CA, (2009)

Still image

John Fago
2009-03-01/2009-03-31 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Composer & Performer Portraits
Image Series
OM14: Fago B&W Prints
As seen from left to right, violinist Soo-Jin Hong and pianist Jens Elvekjaer, both member of the Trio con Brio Copenhagen, listen to composer Bent Sørensen during their preparations for performing at OM 14, on March 5, 2009 at the Jewish Community Center in San Francisco. The Trio, which also includes cellist Soo-Kyung Hong, have been the recipients of numerous awards including the top prize at the ARD-Munich Competition in 2002, and a 2005 Kalichstein-Lardeo-Robinson International Trio Award. A favorite of both audiences and critics alike, the Trio has performed in the most prestigious concert halls in Europe, Asia, and the United States and were a very welcome addition to the line-up at OM 14.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--2000-2010
Image Ownership
John Fago / Other Minds
Photo Credits
John Fago