Songs of Mahler and his Contemporaries

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Length
45 min
| broadcast
| 1966-03-16 | created
A live concert featuring Barbara Patton, soprano, and Natalie Limonick, piano, performing songs by Peter Cornelius, Hugo Wolf, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, and others. While it is not absolutely certain this appears to be a concert of art songs held in March of 1966. Regardless of the exact date, the selection of songs is delightful as are the performances by Patton and Limonick. Any aficionado of 19th century German art songs is sure to enjoy this program.
Art songs
Musical Selections
Der Liebe Lohn (”Love’s Reward”) [from “Brautlieder” (”Bridesongs”)] (1856) / Peter Cornelius -- Erwachen (Am Morgen) (”Morning Prayer”) [from “Brautlieder”] (1856) / Peter Cornelius -- Aus Dem Hohen Liede (”From the Song of Songs”) [from”Brautlieder”] (1856) / Peter Cornelius -- Verborgenheit (”Secrecy”) [text by Eduard Mörike] (ca. 1888) / Hugo Wolf -- Mignon II [text by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe] (1888) / Hugo Wolf -- Und Willst du Deinen Liebsten Sterben Sehen (”If Thou Wouldst See Thou Lover”) (1891) / Hugo Wolf -- Er ist’s (”Song to Spring”) (1888) / Hugo Wolf -- Erinnerung (”Remembrance”) [text by R. Leander] (1882) / Gustav Mahler -- Das Irdische Leben (”Life on Earth”) [from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”] (1892-93) / Gustav Mahler --  Ich Bin der Welt Abhanden Gekommen [text by Friedrich Rückert] (1901) / Gustav Mahler -- Es zürnt das Meer (”The Raging Sea”) [text by Paul Heyse] (1912) / Joseph Marx -- Die Begegnung (”The Meeting”) [text by Paul Heyse] (1912) / Joseph Marx -- Die Tote Braut (”The Lifeless Bride”) [text by Paul Heyse, after Volkslieder (”Folksongs”)] (1912) / Joseph Marx -- Valse de Chopin [text by Otto Erich Hartleben, after a French text by Albert Giraud] (1909) / Joseph Marx -- Zueignung [text by Hermann von Gilm] (1885) / Richard Strauss
Barbara Patton, soprano
Natalie Limonick, piano
Art songs
Songs (High voice) with piano