KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Frontiers: The Poetry of Kay Boyle

Analog Audio

Event Type
Spoken Word
Program Length
60 min
| broadcast
| 1986-08-25 | created
Recorded at the KPFA studios on August 25, 1986 Kay Boyle reads a selection of her poems. One of America’s most important writers of the 20th century, and a close friend of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, William Carlos Williams, and many others, Kay Boyle was one of the longest surviving member of those American artists and writers that lived in Paris during the 1920’s. She was also quite politically active in the support of pacifism and political prisoners and was even blacklisted during the McCarthy era. This however only encouraged her and she also became heavily involved in the civil rights, anti-Vietnam War, and nuclear disarmament movements. Many of these political concerns found there way into her stories and poetry, as the selections heard here will clearly attest to.
Musical Selections
Spring [excerpt] (1:17) -- The New Immigration (2:28) -- A Communication to Nancy Cunard (5:20) -- The Spiritual for Nine Voices (2:47) -- The Only Bird That Sings (3:24) -- Colorado 1943 [from “American Citizen”] (2:00) -- The Invitation In It [from “American Citizen”] (1:54) -- The Waltz Tune In It [from “American Citizen”] (4:51) -- The Interruption [from “American Citizen”] (0:49) -- For Marianne Moore’s Birthday (0:50) -- Dedicated to Terre Des Hommes (2:41) -- A Poem About Black Power (1:48) -- A Poem for Samuel Beckett [excerpts] (10:00) -- The Stones of a Seventeenth Century Village (1:22) -- A Poem for Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi [excerpts] (3:52) -- A Poem for the Students of Greece (5:18) -- To a Proud Old Woman Watching the Tearing Down of the Hurricane Shed (2:00)
Kay Boyle, reader
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the GRAMMY Foundation.
Related places
Berkeley (Calif.) (was recorded at)
Berkeley (Calif.) (was broadcast at)
Related Entities
Boyle, Kay, 1902-1992