KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Sarenco and the Visual and Sound Poetry of Italy

Analog Audio

Event Type
Intermedia and Visual Arts
Program Length
44 min
1972-11-08 | broadcast
| 1972-11-08 | created
During the 1970s in Italy, a group of visual poets stirred up quite a scene around Florence. The ring leader, a young poet who went by the name of Sarenco issued a periodical called “Lotta Poetica” (Poetic War), a communist, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist monthly devoted primarily to poetry with visual elements. Members of this “Gruppo 70” as they came to be called included Eugenio Miccini, Luciano Ori, Lucia Marcucci, Giusi Coppini, Michele Perfetti and Lamberto Pignotti. Here is a report on their subversive activities. Activities which eventually led the police to confiscate their printing presses, and caused another avant-garde periodical, “Flash Art” to denounce their leader, Sarenco. (from KPFA Folio)
Sound poetry
Musical Selections
Homage to Lim Pau (sp?) / Sarenco -- [unidentified work with words Mien Gott] / Sarenco -- [unidentified work, could be “Concerto for Trees Only” or “Technological Poetry”] / Luciano Ori -- Poesia Auditiva [excerpt] / Lucia Marcucci -- [unidentified work] / Sarenco
Sound poetry
Poets, Italian
Politics and culture
Visual poetry
Concrete poetry
Text-sound compositions
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the GRAMMY Foundation.