Charles Amirkhanian Collection ➔ Composer-to-Composer Festival: Concert 2, Pt. 2 (August 18, 2020), 2 of 2
Digital Audio
Event Type
C AmirkhanianIdentifier
CTC.1988.08.20.2.BProgram Series
Composer-to-Composer FestivalProgram Length
190 minPart
2 of 2Dates
| broadcast| 1988-08-20 | created
A continuation of Concert 2, on August 20, 1988 during the Composer to Composer Festival in Telluride, Colorado.The second half of the concert begins with movement 2 of a 13-limit just intonation work for Stephen Scott’s Bowed Piano Ensemble by Stephen Scott and Terry Riley.
After the performance by the Bowed Piano Ensemble, Lou Harrison begins a lecture, including slide projections, on the music of Indonesia and how it has touched his work. He delineates the difference between traditional gamelans and the “American Gamelans” that he and Bill Colvig constructed. He explains how the idea came to them and why they chose the materials they did to both approximate traditional sounds and deviate from them.
Lou Harrison then plays excerpts of traditional works of different Javanese gamelan styles from the Royal City of Yogyakarta, neighboring Surakarta (Solo), and shadow show music from the northern city of Cirebon. The next excerpt is of a piece under the direction of K.R.T. Wasitodiningrat (Musical director of the second palace of Yogyakarta, aka K.R.T. Wasitodipuro), which was included on NASA’s Voyager Golden Record.
He then moves on to playing excerpts of American students playing both traditional and nontraditional works for gamelan in Santa Cruz, California, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington.
Bill Colvig joins Harrison on stage to talk about his instruments and take questions from the audience.
World musicMusical Selections
Work for Bowed Piano Ensemble [2nd movement] (1988) (17:20) / Terry Riley and Stephen Scott -- [example of Gamelan yogyakarta] (2:15) -- [example of Gamelan surakarta] (1:58) -- [2nd example of Gamelan yogyakarta] (1:10) -- [excerpt from shadow show in Cirebon] (1:05) -- Puspa Warna (Kinds of Flowers) [arr. by K.R.T. Wasitodipuro] (1:20) -- [excerpt, gamelan class performance] (1:33) -- [excerpt, gamelan class performance, San Jose State] (1:08) -- [excerpt, gamelan performance at Lewis and Clark College] (2:38) -- [excerpt, piece for pelog gamelan and saxophone] (2:50) / Lou HarrisonPerformers
Ann Riley, bowed piano (Work for Bowed Piano)Jason Rainier, bowed piano (Work for Bowed Piano)
Vincent Plush, bowed piano (Work for Bowed Piano)
Sarah Hopkins, bowed piano (Work for Bowed Piano)
Kyle Gann, bowed piano (Work for Bowed Piano)
Charles Amirkhanian, bowed piano (Work for Bowed Piano)
William Trimble, saxophone (piece for gamelan and saxophone)
Bowed Piano EnsembleGamelan music
Digitized with support from the National Recording Preservation Foundation, The Copland Fund, and the Association for Recorded Sound Collections.Related Event
Composer-to-Composer Festival, 1988Related place
Telluride (Colo.) (was recorded at)Related Entities
Composer-to-Composer FestivalTelluride Institute
Riley, Terry, 1935-
Scott, Stephen, 1944-2021
Riley, Ann
Rainier, Jason
Plush, Vincent, 1950-
Gann, Kyle
Hopkins, Sarah, 1958-
Amirkhanian, Charles
Harrison, Lou, 1917-2003
Colvig, William, 1917-2000
Trimble, William