KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: The Music of León Schidlowsky, 1 of 2
Analog Audio
Event Type
Interview and MusicOrigin
MC.1983.12.02.AProgram Series
Morning ConcertProgram Length
123 minPart
1 of 2Dates
1983-12-02 | broadcast| 1983-12-02 | created
From a program first broadcast on December 2, 1983, Charles Amirkhanian is joined by Shulamit Ran, an Israeli-American composer, pianist, teacher, and sometimes radio producer. This program is one in a series that Ran had produced featuring interviews and music by Israeli composers. In this segment the music of León Schidlowsky is featured. Born in Chile in 1931, Schidlowsky later emigrated to Israel in 1968, yet much of his music still bares his strong feelings for the Chilean people as is evident in his work “Missa Sine Nomine” which is dedicated to the martyred Chilean protest singer Victor Jara. This mass is heard in its entirety, interspersed with detailed descriptions of each of its parts, provided by the composer. Also included in this program is a performance of Schidlowsky’s “Dadayamasong.” Both of these works are notated graphically, a device commonly used by Schidlowsky, who, in this interview, equates normal musical notation with mathematics and a progression through time, and graphical notation with geometry and the relationship of space and sound. Schidlowsky, whose many graphic scores have been displayed in museums, traces the evolution of the technique back to Kurt Schwitters and the Dadaists. The program concludes with a piano trio, composed by Ran herself, and features performances by some of the United States most talented musicians specializing in contemporary classical works.Genres
20th century classicalMusical Selections
[unidentified excerpt of orchestral music] (1:18) -- Missa Sine Nomine (In Memorium Victor Jara): Bereschít ; Kyrie Eleison ; Lied [text from the Bible and George Grosz] (1975-77) (24:40) / León Schidlowsky -- Missa Sine Nomine (In Memorium Victor Jara): Gloria ; Chile ; Credo [text from the Bible and León Schidlowsky] (1975-77) (7:41) / León SchidlowskyPerformers
Bramfelder Kantorei (Missa)Klaus Vetter, conductor (Missa)
20th century classicalGraphic notation (Music)
Related places
Berkeley (Calif.) (was recorded at)Berkeley (Calif.) (was broadcast at)
Related Entities
Bramfelder KantoreiAmirkhanian, Charles
Ran, Shulamit, 1949-
Schidlowsky, León, 1931-
Grosz, George, 1893-1959
Vetter, Klaus