Other Minds Archives Online : Use and Restrictions

Many of the digital objects on this site are protected by copyright or other legal rights. They are made available for personal and scholarly use but objects may not be reproduced, published, or distributed without the written permission of the rights holder. If you would like to inquire about using materials on this site, please get in touch through our Contact Form.

In some cases, Other Minds (OM) can facilitate contact with a rights holder or their estate on your behalf, but we cannot guarantee clearance for use on all requests. In the event you have already reached out to an artist or rights holder and have been directed to us to receive media, please use our Contact Form and specify the recording you are seeking.


If you are looking to use any of the OM Archives’ images, audio, or video materials for any commercial use, publication, or distribution, you must obtain written permission and a licensing agreement from Other Minds and the copyright holder. 

Licensing fees will apply in addition to any physical or electronic delivery fees and extended staff time, if applicable.

Licensing fees for non-profit and educational projects may be waived on a case by case basis. Any permissions granted are non-exclusive and for a one-time use only. To submit a request for licensing, please fill out our Contact Form.

Source Credits

Other Minds asks that you appropriately credit our resources when linking to or sharing any material found on this site. Proper credit is also a requirement to any licensing agreement. Specifics may vary, but generally the credit line should read:
[Media Type] courtesy of Other Minds Archives;[Collection or Source Name]