Other Minds Special Programs ➔ Other Minds Presents: Preview event for Rhys Chatham’s “A Secret Rose” (June 7, 2013), 2 of 5

Digital Audio

Event Type
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Presents
Program Length
51 min
2 of 5
| broadcast
| 2013-06-07 | created
Recorded on June 7, 2013 at The LAB in San Francisco, Other Minds presents a preview event for its upcoming presentation of Rhys Chatham’s “A Secret Rose,” a piece for 100 guitars. During this event Rhys Chatham introduces two of his earlier compositions for multiple electric guitars, electric bass, and drums. In his introduction for the first work, an excerpt of “Guitar Trio,” Chatham tells how in the 1970s he was interested in minimalism but after hearing the band The Ramones perform he was inspired by their three cord punk songs to expand his own guitar compositions from one to two chords. The resulting work, “Guitar Trio” is a driving, pulsating, yet never quite overwhelming barrage of guitars and overtones, that never seems to get dull. Then after introducing the band, Chatham, jokingly remarks that the next piece is based on a precise tuning system going back to Pythagoras before the band rips into his “The Out of Tune Guitar No. 3.” The event then concludes with Charles Amirkhanian and Chatham talking about the upcoming November 2013 concert featuring “A Secret Rose,” describing some of the challenges and joys of presenting a work for 100 guitars as well as taking a few questions from the very enthusiastic audience.
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Musical Selections
[band introductions over jazz instrumental] (1:37)
Rhys Chatham, electric guitar
Ava Mendoza, electric guitar
John Schott, electric guitar
George Chen, electric guitar
John Krausbauer, electric guitar
Bill Orcutt, electric guitar
Lisa Mezzacappa, electric bass
Jordan Glenn, drums