Relâche Collection ➔ New Music America: 1987: Concert No. 6, Borah Bergman, 5 of 6

Digital Audio

Event Type
Program Series
New Music America
Program Length
49 min
5 of 6
1987-10-05 | created
The 1987 New Music America Festival was held in Philadelphia during the first two weeks in October. Produced by the local ensemble Relâche, this 10 day extravaganza of adventurous musical programing featured over 20 concerts, lectures, and sound installations. A wide range of sonic delights were offered, ranging from 20th century classical works for instrumental ensemble, to examples of experimental electronic wizardry, to incomparable improvisational jazz extravaganza’s, all performed by a bevy of talented musicians and composers.

In this, the sixth concert of the Festival, we hear semi-improvised works by the jazz group, HMP Trio, and pianist, Borah Bergman.

The HMP Trio had performed in New York since 1983. Led by composer and keyboardist Wayne Horvitz, the Trio utilizes compositions which emphasize organic interaction between thematic, harmonic and structural elements with improvisation. Besides the primary instrumentation of cornet, piano and percussion all three members play a variety of computer based electronic instruments, keyboards and mallet instruments. The aggressive percussion style of Robert Previte and the introspective lyricism of cornetist Butch Morris bring a fragile intensity to the music. Their debut album, “Nine Below Zero,” was released in January 1987.

Ambidextrous pianist and composer Borah Bergman then presents an updated version of his circa 1984 composition “Upside Down Visions.” As Bergman writes in the concert program notes, the work was: “Based on the principles of ambidexterity, the ‘split’ brain and the ability to create independent ‘left’ and right’ ideas simultaneously.”” The evenings performance was subtitled “New Comprovisations for Piano” which according to the composer is indicative of the “synthesis of composition and improvisation.” Bergman also adds a encore to the seemingly abbreviated event, performing an extended version of his “Spirit Song,” a showcase for his energetic style and inventive improvisation, with powerful chord clusters that are slightly reminiscent of early 20th century avant-garde pianists such as George Antheil and Henry Cowell.

According to the concert program guide the concert was scheduled to have included works by George Crumb, Richard Wernick and Andrew Rudin, but unfortunately, due to delays at the start of the concert or because those works were not adequately recorded, those pieces are not included in this program at this time.

This concert was held at the Port Of History Museum, on October 5, 1987, and generously provided to Other Minds by Joseph Franklin who directed the 1987 New Music America festival, and Werner Strobel who digitized the original tape recordings.
20th century classical
New music
Musical Selections
Upside Down Visions 1987: New Comprovisations, for piano (ca. 1984-87) (16:00) / Borah Bergman
Borah Bergman, piano
20th century classical
New music
Piano music
Related place
Philadelphia (Pa.) (was recorded at)
Related Entities
New Music America (Festival)
Bergman, Borah