KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: The Musical Expression of the Gay Experience, 2 of 2

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
119 min
2 of 2
1977-06-29 | broadcast
| 1977-06-29 | created
In commemoration of the Stonewall Riots of June 28-29, 1969 and in honor of the then newly celebrated Gay Pride Week, KPFA’s Wood Massi presents music, writings, and interviews about the gay experience. The program primarily focuses on 20th century art songs, much of them the work of gay composers and poets, and includes compositions by Henry Cowell, Lou Harrison, Gertrude Stein, Ned Rorem, and others. In part a look back and in part a look forward, this program serves as an excellent reminder of the contribution that homosexuals have made in the world of music, as well as the many trials and tribulations this traditionally marginalized minority has experienced, while still offering a gleam of hope for a more inclusive tomorrow.
Art songs
20th century classical
Musical Selections
As Adam Early in the Morning [text by Walt Whitman] (1957) / Ned Rorem -- O you to whom I often and silently come [text by Walt Whitman] (1957) / Ned Rorem -- To You [text by Walt Whitman] (1957) / Ned Rorem -- [unidentified song] [text by Howard Moss] / Ned Rorem -- Love’s Stricken “why” [text by Emily Dickinson] / Ned Rorem -- The Apparition [text by Theodore Roethke] / Ned Rorem -- The Apparition [text by Theodore Roethke] [alternate version] / Ned Rorem -- Love’s Stricken “why” [text by Emily Dickinson] [alternate version] / Ned Rorem -- [unidentified song] [text by Howard Moss] [alternate version] / Ned Rorem -- Capital Capitals [text by Gertrude Stein] / Virgil Thomson -- Young Caesar [excerpt] (1971) / Lou Harrison -- Prayer to Aphrodite / Kay Gardner -- Elysium is as far as to [text by Emily Dickinson] / Barry Taxman -- Where ships of purple gently toss [text by Emily Dickinson] / Barry Taxman -- Wild nights! Wild nights! [text by Emily Dickinson] / Barry Taxman -- As Adam Early in the Morning [text by Walt Whitman] / Wood Massi
Judith Nelson, vocals (all songs by Taxman)
20th century classical
Art songs
Gay composers
Homosexuality and music
Songs (Low voice) with piano
Songs (High voice) with piano
Operas -- Excerpts
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the GRAMMY Foundation.