Enzo Minarelli during his lecture on the origins of sound poetry, OM 23, San Francisco CA (April 10, 2018)

Other Minds Festivals ➔ Other Minds Festival: OM 23: No Poets Don’t Own Words (Lecture with Enzo Minarelli)

Digital Audio

Event Type
Lectures and Panel Discussions
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Festival
Program Length
101 min
2018-04-10 | created
The 23rd Other Minds Festival, focused on the art of Sound Poetry, took place in San Francisco at the ODC/Dance Theatre over the course of six days (April 9-14, 2018); OM’s longest festival to date which included five concerts and a day of lectures and workshops.

On April 10, 2018, two workshops were offered for those wanting to learn about sound poetry and even have a go at it themselves. At 3:00pm for the workshop "From Marinetti to Sound Poetry: A Historical Survey of Sound Poetry", Italian sound poet Enzo Minarelli lectured on the origins of Sound Poetry. From its roots in Italian and Russian Futurism, through the Dadaists, Lettrism, American Text-Sound and into the advent of Polypoetry, Minarelli explored the lives and works of this formative 20th century artistic movement. The workshop was structured through listening examples of works by famous Futurists, Dadaists, and sound poets followed by critical discussion of the works between Minarelli and participants.
Sound poetry
Musical Selections
Battaglia di Tripoli Battaglia Peso + Odore11 (1912) (01:14) / Filippo Tommaso Marinetti -- f s m b w / O F F E A H (1918) (00:20) / Raoul Hausmann -- Gadji Beri Bimba, Versi senza parole (1916, rec.1994) (00:25) / Hugo Ball -- Ursonate (1922-23) (01:15) / Kurt Schwitters -- Recherches pour un Poème en Prose Pure (1950) (01:02) / Isidore Isou -- Lettre Rock (1958) (02:00) / Maurice Lemaître -- Poema epistaltico (00:21) / Mimmo Rotella -- Canal Street n. 3 (1973-76) (00:56) / Bernard Heidsieck -- Chercher (1974) (01:11) / Henri Chopin -- Souffle Manifeste (1962) (00:50) / Pierre Garnier -- Just (1972) (01:20) / Charles Amirkhanian -- Investigazioni (diplofonie e triplofonie) (1978) (01:25) / Demetrio Stratos -- Tygerdi (text by William Blake, rec. 1980) (02:10) / Allen Ginsberg
ExVoCO (Expanded Voice Company), Gadji Beri Bimba
Text-sound compositions