KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: Armenian Martyr's Day, 1978, 2 of 2

Analog Audio

Event Type
Interview and Music
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
66 min
2 of 2
1978-04-21 | broadcast
| 402 | created
From a program made in 1978, Charles Amirkhanian commemorates the genocide of the Armenian People by the Ottoman Turks in 1915 with music by the Chancel Choir of Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church in Fresno California. The devastating loss of life that occurred in Armenia and Turkey during the waning years of the First World War finds a fitting eulogy in Theodore DuBois’ composition “The Seven Last Words of Christ.” Charles Amirkhanian, whose family fled the horror in Armenia, introduces the piece. Charles then interviews Annig Zindarsian, church organist at St. Gregory’s in San Francisco, and former singer with the group The Axidentals, about a scheduled march to mark the anniversary of the Armenian massacres and to call for the reestablishment of an independent Armenian State, an event that would finally occur after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Classical music
Folk music
Musical Selections
The Seven Last Words of Christ (”Les sept paroles du Christ”) [part 2] (1899) / Theodore DuBois -- Ov Hayotz Ashkhar / Yegmalian (Ekmalyan) -- Naz Bar
Chancel Choir of Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church (Seven)
Lois Utterback, conductor (Seven)
Mary Habib, soprano (Seven)
Marian Atamian, soprano (Seven)
Arnold Gazarian, baritone (Seven)
Clifford Grant Jr., tenor (Seven)
Robert Utterback, tenor (Seven)
Esther Franklin, organ (Seven)
Lorraine Kaprielian, piano (Seven )
Armenian State Choir (Ov Hayotz)
19th century classical
Cantatas, Sacred
Music -- Armenia
Armenian massacres, 1915-1923
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by Save America’s Treasures, a program of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.