KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: The Music of Victoria Bond, 2 of 2

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
75 min
2 of 2
1980-09-11 | broadcast
| 1980-07-01 | created
In an interview recorded on July 1, 1980 at the San Francisco Airport, Charles Amirkhanian talks with composer and conductor Victoria Bond. Bond, who was between conducting assignments at the time of this recording, had for the past two years been serving as the assistant conductor to Andre Previn at the Pittsburgh Symphony. Since 1974 she had also appeared as conductor at the Aspen Festival in Colorado, The White Mountains Festival in New Hampshire, the Colorado Philharmonic and the Pennsylvania Ballet. In this interview she discusses the emergence of a renewed interest in Symphonic music by contemporary composers. She then goes on to describe a few of her own works, including one based on certain Tarot cards and another Equinox, which is inspired by Herman Hesse’s book Narcissus and Goldman. Bond also shares her memories of working with Andre Previn.
20th century classical
Orchestral music
20th century classical
Orchestral music
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by Save America’s Treasures, a program of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Related places
Berkeley (Calif.) (was recorded at)
Berkeley (Calif.) (was broadcast at)
Related Entities
Amirkhanian, Charles
Bond, Victoria