Sam Rivers & Luc Ferrari, head and shoulders portrait, facing right, (1999)

Other Minds Programming ➔ Sam Rivers & Luc Ferrari, head and shoulders portrait, facing right, (1999)

Still image

1999-03-01/1999-03-31 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Composer & Performer Portraits
Image Series
OM05: Fago B&W Prints
Sam Rivers & Luc Ferrari (l to r) in a n image most likely taken during their retreat at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program in Woodside CA, prior to their participation in the 5th Other Minds Music Festival in March 1999. Sam Rivers is one of the major figures in contemporary jazz: a brilliant improviser and one of the defining influences of multi-instrumentalism in jazz, performing on tenor and soprano saxophones, flute, and piano. For decades the leader of his own small groups, Rivers has also performed and recorded with artists of such diverse styles as Miles Davis, Cecil Taylor, Dizzy Gillespie, Charles Mingus, McCoy Tyner, Max Roach, and others. He has also performed with symphony orchestras including the San Francisco Orchestra with Serge Ozawa. He is a prolific composer of songs, melodies and compositions for large and small ensembles, jazz, and symphony orchestras. Ferrari was a pioneering avant-garde composer of tape music who’s works often incorporated ambient recordings. Beyond the mere acceptance of ambient sounds as musical, Ferrari found that his forays with the professional tape recorder into public places added a level of social engagement to his work. This led him to compose pieces in which the audience becomes voyeuristically involved with a kind of audio home movie. Beyond his work involving technology, Ferrari has composed a large body of instrumental music, ranging from very early piano solos to works for large orchestra.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--1990-2000
Jazz musicians
Image Ownership
John Fago / Other Minds
Photo Credits
John Fago