Leroy Jenkins, facing right, Christian Wolff, facing left, & Jacob ter Veldhuis, facing slightly right, standing, Woodside CA, (2000)

Other Minds Programming ➔ Leroy Jenkins, facing right, Christian Wolff, facing left, & Jacob ter Veldhuis, facing slightly right, standing, Woodside CA, (2000)

Still image

2000-03-01/2000-03-31 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Group Photographs
Image Series
OM06: Fago B&W Prints
Leroy Jenkins, Christian Wolff, & Jacob ter Veldhuis (l to r), during their retreat at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, prior to their participation in the 6th Other Minds Music Festival in San Francisco in March of 2000. Born in 1932, Jenkins is an American jazz violinist, violist, and composer, and one of the most important musicians to emerge from the AACM (Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians), the legendary collective of which he was a member until his death in 2007. Most associated with the style of free jazz, Jenkins has performed with a number of famous jazz ensembles. Born in Nice France in 1934, Wolff’s early association with John Cage, Morton Feldman, and later Cornelius Cardew and Frederic Rzewski, led to his development as an adventurous avant-garde composer. Compositions include works for piano(s), miscellaneous keyboards, instrumental solos, chamber groups, unspecified groups of players and sound sources, tape, chorus and orchestra. Ter Veldhuis (b. 1951) started his musical career in the sixties as a rock musician and studied at the Groningen Conservatory where he was awarded the Dutch Composition Prize in 1980. He regards himself as a late developer. Breaking through in the mid-eighties with harmonious compositions straight from the heart and averse to intellectual concepts or complex techniques of a worn-out avant-garde, he writes effective music which pleases the ear without ever becoming too sweet or indolent. From his past as a rock musician he kept his interest in sound and a lively stage presentation as means of expression. He is a virtuoso in using electronics and involves items like the Gulf War, Chet Baker or the Jerry Springer Show through sampling techniques.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--2000
Image Ownership
John Fago / Other Minds
Photo Credits
John Fago