Other Minds Programming ➔ Ji Young Yi, heads and shoulders portrait, facing forward, and Hyo-shin Na, full length portrait, seated with instrument, facing forward, San Francisco CA, (2000)

Still image

2000-03-01/2000-03-31 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Composer & Performer Portraits
Image Series
OM06: Fago B&W Prints
Ji Young Yi and Hyo-shin Na (l to r) preparing for the 6th Other Minds Music Festival in March of 2000. Ji Young Yi was named the foremost kayageum player of her generation by the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts, and has established an international career performing at a wide variety of venues and festivals throughout the world, and for specializing in playing traditional Korean court music. Among the most active of young Korean musicians involved in playing new music written for traditional instruments, she has become known especially for her performances of the repertoire for solo kayageum, and for her role in revitalizing this repertoire. Hyo-shin Na is a Korean-born composer now living in San Francisco whose compositions often combine Asian and Western instruments and styles of playing in manner in which the integrity of the different tonalities is maintained. She has received the coveted Korean National Composers Prize twice and has heard her works performed through Asia, North America, and Europe.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--2000
Asian Americans
Photo Credits
John Fago