Lou Harrison, Tania León, and Ellen Fullman, head and shoulder portrait, looking at musical score, Woodside CA, (2002)

Other Minds Festivals ➔ Lou Harrison, Tania León, and Ellen Fullman, head and shoulder portrait, looking at musical score, Woodside CA, (2002)

Still image

2002-03-01/2002-03-31 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Group Photographs
Image Series
OM08: Fago B&W Prints
Lou Harrison, Tania León, and Ellen Fullman (l to r), examining a musical score, during their retreat at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program in Woodside CA, prior to their participation in the 8th Other Minds Music Festival, in March of 2002. Lou Harrison was one of America's most distinguished composers of the 20th century, whose use of gamelan instruments and interest in word music helped bring an appreciation of Pacific and Asian music to the United States. His studies were with Howard Cooper, Henry Cowell, Arnold Schoenberg, and Virgil Thomson. He is the recipient of several grants and awards, including Guggenheim and Rockefeller Fellowships. At 23, a graduate of the Havana Conservatory of Music, León moved to the United States where she was a co-founder of the Dance Theater of Harlem. She remained with the company until 1978 when she resigned to devote more time to composing. She has conducted orchestras in Germany, Italy, South Africa, The Netherlands, and New York, organized a number of concert series and festivals, taught at Harvard, Yale, and the University of Michigan, and is currently a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York. Ellen Fullman’s career in music was launched at age one, when Elvis Presley kissed her hand. She went on to earn a BFA in Sculpture from the Kansas City Art Institute, leading her to create her "Metal Skirt Sound Sculpture," which she wore to perform at the 1980 New Music America. Soon after, Fullman accidentally discovered the sound of longitudinally vibrating long strings. Since then, she has been developing the Long String Instrument (LSI), and its abundant possibilities.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--2000-2010
Image Ownership
John Fago / Other Minds
Photo Credits
John Fago