Hanna Addario-Berry & Dobromiła Jaskot (l to r) during OM 14, San Francisco CA., (2009)

Other Minds Festivals ➔ Hanna Addario-Berry & Dobromiła Jaskot (l to r) during OM 14, San Francisco CA., (2009)

Still image

John Fago
2009-03-01/2009-03-31 | created
Work Type
Digital photograph
Image Class
Composer & Performer Portraits
Image Series
OM14: Fago Colored Jpegs
Hannah Addario-Berry (l), is seen playing the cello as Dobromiła Jaskot, with her back to the camera, is seen seated in front of her laptop computer, as the two perform during OM 14 in San Francisco, in March of 2009. The two presented the U. S. premiere performance of Jaskot’s 2007 composition “Hannah,” which is scored for cello and electronics. The name for the piece comes from the name for a variety of cobra the Ophiphagus Hannah. Addario-Berry is a graduate of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, former member of the Del Sol Quartet , and frequent performer at Other Minds events. Dobromiła Jaskot is a Polish composer and pianist, whose work often incorporates multi-media art, and interactive elements. Her works have been widely played in Europe and she has also taught at the Electoacoustic Studio at the Music Academy in Bydogoszcz.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--2000-2010
Violoncello with electronics
Image Ownership
John Fago / Other Minds
Photo Credits
John Fago