Other Minds Festivals ➔ Sarah Cahill, on piano, and Amy X Neuburg, standing, singing, onstage during the 11th Other Minds Festival, San Francisco, CA (2005)

Still image

2005-02-01/2005-02-28 | created
Work Type
Photographic print
Image Class
Composer & Performer Portraits
Image Series
OM11: Fago B&W Prints
A portrait of pianist Sarah Cahill and vocalist Amy X Neuburg performing songs by Marc Blizstein during the OM 11 Centenary Celebration of Blizstein's works including songs from his well known musical drama "The Cradle Will Rock". The festival's celebration of Blitzstein's music was presented in an afternoon concert held on February 26th, 2005. Seated onstage behind Neuburg is Charles Amirkhanian.
Genres & Subjects
Group portraits--2000-2010
Image Ownership
John Fago / Other Minds
Photo Credits
John Fago