KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: The Music of Tui St. George Tucker, 1 of 2

Analog Audio

Event Type
Interview and Music
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
132 min
1 of 2
1989-02-09 | broadcast
| 1989-02-09 | created
World traveling composer and microtonalist Tui St. George Tucker visited the Bay Area for six months to renew her acquaintances with her home state of California. Now living in North Carolina after a long career in lower Manhattan as an important member of the experimental scene and programmer on KPFA’s sister station WBAI, she visits with Charles Amirkhanian, spouts off on the role of creativity in modern culture, and introduces a selection of her music. The two also take suggestions from the listening audience to name her string quartet. (from KPFA Folio)
20th century classical
Microtonal music
Musical Selections
Herzliebster Jesu -- Tantum Ergo (1970) -- String Quartet No. 1 (1958) -- My Melancholy Baby [fantasy on Ernie Burnett's famous theme for quarter-tone piano] (1984) -- Vigil (1985)
Paul Jordan, organ (Herzliebster)
Grete Sultan, piano (Tantrum)
Crescent Quartet (String Quartet)
Loretta Goldberg, quarter-tone pianos (Melancholy)
Tui St. George Tucker, microtonal organ (Vigil)
20th century classical
Quarter-tone piano
Microtonal music
Unconventional instruments
Music -- Philosophy and aesthetics
Organ music
Piano music
String quartets
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by Save America’s Treasures, a program of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.