KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Performer's Choice: Program No. 5, Jan. 4, 1964, 1 of 3

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Series
Performer's Choice
Program Length
87 min
1 of 3
1964-01-04 | broadcast
| 1964-01-04 | created
The fifth in KPFA’s Performer's Choice concert series, recorded in San Francisco, on January 4, 1964. The concert features works, several of which are first performances, by a selection of California based composers such as Peter Ford, John Chowning, Gordon Mumma, and Phil Winsor. Also included are more familiar works such as “Three Page Sonata,” for piano by the pioneering American composer Charles Ives, and the only work by a non-American composer, “Impromptu” by the Swede Folke Rabe. From 1963 to 1964 KPFA presented five such concerts featuring contemporary classical compositions, many by San Francisco based composers, including Lou Harrison, Pauline Oliveros, and Gordon Mumma, as well as works by more internationally known composers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen. The Performer’s Choice concert series served as the springboard for the careers of a number of the young Californian composers featured here.
New music
Chamber music
Musical Selections
Discontinuosity, for piano and percussion (1962) (2:23) / Peter Ford -- Two Studies, for percussion (8:38) / John Chowning -- Meanwhile: A Twopiece, for prepared piano, percussion, slide whistle, and tape (1961) (7:43) / Gordon Mumma
Peter Ford, piano (Discontinuosity)
John Chowning, percussion (Discontinuosity ; Two)
Harry Bartlett, percussion (Discontinuosity)
Ed Applebaum, conductor (Discontinuosity)
Stephen Schermerhorn, percussion (Two)
Loren Rush, piano and percussion (Meanwhile)
Pauline Oliveros, percussion and piano (Meanwhile)
New music
Chamber music
Percussion and piano music
Percussion ensembles
Electronic music
Prepared piano and percussion music