KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Music by the Illinois Wesleyan University Choir

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Length
42 min
| broadcast
| 402 | created
A selection of choral music performed by the Illinois Wesleyan University Choir. This collection of mostly sacred Christmas music includes rarely recorded works by a variety of composers from the last several centuries. Highlights include Ulysses Kay’s “Welcome Yule,” an excerpt from his “A Wreath of Waits” as well as a splendid version of Carl August Fischer’s “Song of Mary,” a touchingly sweet Christmas anthem based on a Spanish poem by Lope de Vega that is seldom heard in traditional Christmas concerts but richly deserves to become one of the canon of carols regularly performed during the holiday season. Other standout performances include “Plorate, Fili Israel” an excerpt from “Jephte,” a 17th century oratorio by Giacomo Carissimi, and “The Love of God” a setting of a poem by William Cullen Bryant by Lewis Whikehart, who is also the conductor for this Christmas choral concert.
Classical music
Musical Selections
Revelation of John to the Seven Churches [text from the Bible] (9:05) / Normand Lockwood -- Welcome Yule “A Wreath of Waits, No. 3” (1954) (2:00) Ulysses Kay -- The Prayer of Manasseh [Text from an apocryphal book of the Old Testament] (1955) (9:15) / Jean Berger -- Der Herr ist König Uberall, SWV 195 [text from Psalm 97] (1:40) / Heinrich Schuetz -- O Magnum Mysterium (ca. 1592) (3:50) / Tomas Vittoria -- Plorate, Fili Israel [from “Jephte”] (ca. 1648) (4:15) / Giacomo Carissimi -- The Love of God [text by William Cullen Bryant] (5:30) / Lewis Whikehart -- Song of Mary [text based on “Cantarcillo de la Virgen” by Lope de Vega] (2:30) / Carl August Fischer -- Wake Awake, for Night is Flying [text by Philipp Nicolai] (3:20) / Fredrik Melius Christiansen
Illinois Wesleyan University Choir
Lewis Whikehart, conductor
Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices), Unaccompanied
Christmas music
Oratorios -- Excerpts
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts.