KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Harry Partch: 30 Years of Lyrical and Dramatic Music

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Length
41 min
| broadcast
| 402 | created
A selection of songs by Harry Partch utilizing unconventional instruments and unusual musical scales. “Windsong” is an excerpt from the soundtrack for the film of the same name. It is a modern rendering of the ancient myth of Daphne and Apollo. The music is a collage of sounds, ten instruments, many of which were home made, are used, with Partch playing nearly all the parts. For the studies on Greek scales Partch uses the five tone scale of Olympos and the seven tone enharmonic scale. The mazda marimba used in “Bless This Home”, was made by a student in Industrial Design at the University of Illinois. It consisted of 24 light globes of varying sizes, with the insides removed, and was played with light, soft mallets. (from KPFA Folio)
Microtonal music
Unconventional instruments
Musical Selections
Poems by Li Po: A Midnight Farewell ; Before the Cast of Wine ; An Encounter in the Field ; On Hearing the Flute at Lo-cheng ; The Intruder ; I Am a Peach Tree (1947) (7:49) -- Windsong [excerpt] (1958) (11:21) -- Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales (1946) (3:12) -- Intrusions (1949-50) (6:54) -- Cloud-Chamber Music (1950) -- Bless the Home (1961) (2:17) [text by Vincenzo Prockelo] -- By the Rivers of Babylon [text from the 137th Psalm] (1931) (2:30)
All music and singing by Harry Partch except:
William Wendlandt, voice (Poems)
Ben Johnston, bass marimba; instrumentalist (2 Studies ; Intrusions ; Cloud)
Betty Johnston, instrumentalist (Intrusions ; Cloud)
Donald Pippin, instrumentalist (Cloud)
Vincenzo Prockelo, oboe (Bless)
Danlee Mitchell, kitahara, harmonic canon (Bless)
Joseph Varhula, mazda marimba (Bless)
Nina Cutler, voice (Rivers)
Evelyn Garvey, chromelodeon, (Rivers)
Lyndel Davis, kithara (Rivers)
Microtonal music
Unconventional instruments
Instrumental ensembles
Harmonic canon and marimba music
Songs with instrumental ensemble