KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ New Music FM: New Music from America: Program No. 4, 2 of 2

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Length
143 min
2 of 2
| broadcast
| 402 | created
In a program recorded in 1983 Kerry Frumkin of WFMT introduces a selection of new and avant-garde compositions and preformanceds by American based composers, partly as a teaser for the upcoming New Music America Festival to be held in Washington DC later that year. The program begins with Ed Herrmann discussing his work for electronic work “Eye Dance” before playing a recording of it. This is followed with an excerpt from Philip Glass’s seminal film score Koyaanisqatsi, which introduced the composer’s unique minimalist music to the broad filmgoing public. Israeli born Shulamit Ran then introduces her piano trio “Excursions.” We then here the computer music piece, “Constructions with Plains and Curves,” by Shawn Decker, followed by “Liberation Music” a largely improvised performance by Frank Abbinanti and dedicated to avant-garde composer and political activist Cornelius Cardew.
The second portion of the program begins with “Drums” by computer music pioneer Laurie Spiegel. This is followed by two lenghty improvised performances. The first, a series of piano improvisations was recorded at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago on May 15, 1979, and features pianist and composer Muhal Ricahrd Abrams. This pristine free jazz piano performance is followed by a more gritty avant-garde improvisation by guitarist Davey Williams and violinist/violist LaDonna Smith in which a variety of small objects are used to enlist sounds from a variety of stringed instruments.
New music
Electro-Acoustic / Electronic
Musical Selections
Liberation Music, for piano [part 2] (1983) (3:29) / Frank Abbinanti -- Drums, for computer and electronics (1975-76) (7:07) / Laurie Spiegel -- [improvisations], for piano (May, 15,1979) (30:06) / Muhal Richard Abrams --Trans, improvisations for mostly stringed instruments and small objects [part 1] (Nov. 1982) (18:29) / Davey Williams & LaDonna Smith
Frank Abbinanti, piano (Liberation)
Muhal Richard Abrams, piano (piano improvisations)
Davey Williams, guitar, mandolin, and banjo (Trans)
LaDonna Smith, violin, viola, and voice (Trans)
New music
Electronic music
Piano music
Computer music
Piano music (Jazz)
Improvisation (Music)
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts.