KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Trance and Ritual Music: by Annea Lockwood, Programs 1 and 2

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Series
Trance and Ritual Music
Program Length
34 min
1973-02-15 | broadcast
| 1969-07-24 | created
| 1970-05-14 | broadcast
Program 1
"Sound travels constantly through your body, building up as music, stretching you in the long passing of a jet. That's a sound which sucks the mind up and leaves you with a feeling of helplessness. Sound travels, leaves ripples in the mind. What ripples ? The ear transmits and the body vibrates, and then..."

Program 2
"'I like it, but I don't understand it', has never been said of this music, which is there not to be taken out and looked at, but to be experienced, in such a way that the sound, its effect, its hearer, its player, and its surroundings are all blended, exist in one instant; the now instant, and with this music, now extends and extends, and extends. Music felt as a force of nature, direct as lightning, mysteriously potent, and as necessary as water, food, and sleep."
World music
Musical Selections
Tibetan dawn and evening music -- Indonesian Funeral Gongs -- Malayan trance fighting dance -- Indian conch call and Indian Sanskrit prayer to the sun -- Thailand Temple Bells -- Colombian ‘Sihoo’ flute solo -- Glass Sounds from “Glass World” -- Tamil firewalking procession -- Mevlevi dervish dancing -- Moroccan women chanting work song -- Hasidic dancing in a synagogue, Eastern Europe -- Spring ritual dancing in Santanda -- Korean ceremonial mask dance -- Flute music by Colombian forest Indians with sounds of glass from “Glass World”
Field recordings
Ceremonial music
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Rights Summary
BBC © copyright content reproduced courtesy of the British Broadcasting Corporation. All rights reserved.