KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: An Interview with Laura Karpman (1985)

Analog Audio

Event Type
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
21 min
1985-12-05 | broadcast
| 1985-04-16 | created
In this interview, recorded in New York City on April 16, 1985, Charles Amirkhanian talks with Los Angeles born composer, Laura Karpman. Karpman, who studied with Leslie Bassett as well as Nadia Boulanger in Paris, and Milton Babbitt at Juilliard, was at the time of this interview working on a composition for performance by the American Composers Orchestra, scheduled for the Fall of 1985. She discusses the compositional techniques she has employed in her works, including her “Theme and Variation,” a 12 tone, or serial piece, scored for piano and chamber orchestra. Karpman also talks about her interest in jazz music and how that has influenced some of her classical compositions. When asked about the growing popularity of such “crossover” composers such as Laurie Anderson, Karpman voices full support for minimalism and avant-garde rock composers and sees them as a way to expose concert audiences to both new and traditional forms of music.

Note: This is an interview only and the music introduced is not heard.
20th century classical
20th century classical
Composition (Music)
Serialism (Music)
Related places
New York (N.Y.) (was recorded at)
Berkeley (Calif.) (was broadcast at)
Related Entities
Amirkhanian, Charles
Karpman, Laura