KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: An Interview with Arturo Salinas

Analog Audio

Event Type
Interview and Music
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
45 min
1979-09-27 | broadcast
| 1979-06-22 | created
In an interview, recorded on June 22, 1979, Charles Amirkhanian talks with the Mexican composer Arturo Salinas. Born in Monterrey, Mexico, Salinas studied composition with Robert Cogan at the New England Conservatory, ethnomusicology with Charles Boilès in Montreal, electro-acoustic music and microtonality with Jean-Etienne Marie in Paris, and orchestral conducting with Igor Markevitch. Included in this program is a complete performance of his “Memoire Imarcescible”, an electro-acoustic tape piece, utilizing the microtonal piano built by the Mexican composer and microtonal music pioneer, Julián Carrillo. Salinas describes this piano, which has 96 keys covering just one octave, and talks about how differences in pitch and timbre become almost synonymous when working with such small intervals, particularly in the lower ranges. Salinas also briefly goes into the history of Carrillo, as well as his own interest in ethnomusicology and his investigations into native South American musical traditions.
Microtonal music
Electro-Acoustic / Electronic
Musical Selections
Memoire Imarcescible (”Never-ending Memory”) (1976) (16.27) / Arturo Salinas
Microtonal music
Musical intervals and scales
Piano and electronic music
Funding for the preservation of this program made possible through a grant by the GRAMMY Foundation.
Related places
Berkeley (Calif.) (was recorded at)
Berkeley (Calif.) (was broadcast at)
Related Entities
Amirkhanian, Charles
Salinas, Arturo