Other Minds Festivals ➔ Other Minds Festival: OM 8, Concert 2: 03 “Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano” by Lou Harrison

Digital Audio

Event Type
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Festival
Program Length
34 min
| broadcast
| 2002-03-08 | created
My only piano trio was commissioned in 1989 by the Mirecourt Trio. The third movement of the work is a little suite of solos for the three musicians. They are again united in the finale. With the exception of the one chromatic movement which is dedicated to the memory of Virgil Thomson, all of the remaining movements are modal in character, and the entire work is melodic. This is the first work that I composed after triple-bypass heart surgery, and it was interrupted by a major earthquake and the death of my good friend and mentor Virgil Thomson; thus it has a complex history. The premiere performance took place with the Mirecourt Trio at the Menil Museum in Houston in 1990. —Lou Harrison
New music
Chamber music
Musical Selections
Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano (1990) (33:19) / Lou Harrison
The Harmida Piano Trio:
Dawn Harms, violin
Emil Miland, cello
Laura Dahl, piano
New music
Chamber music
Piano trios