Other Minds Festivals ➔ Other Minds Festival: OM 10, Concert 1: 02 “Flute Concerto No. 1” by Hanna Kulenty

Digital Audio

Event Type
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Festival
Program Length
22 min
| broadcast
| 2004-03-04 | created
Hanna Kulenty was born in 1961 in Bialystok, Poland. She began her musical education as a pianist at the Grazyna Bacewicz Elementary Music School in Warsaw. She studied composition at the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw and did her postgraduate work in composition with Louis Andriessen, at the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague, The Netherlands. Recognized as one of Europe's emerging composers, Kulenty was awarded the 2003 UNESCO Rostrum of Composers prize for her “Trumpet Concerto”. Previous awards include a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) scholarship to Berlin and composition commissions and scholarships from the governments of Poland and Holland. The highly charged energy of her music is based on a finely woven web of contrasting rhythms and tempi, laid out in long-lined arches that are breathtaking in their grandeur. Kulenty is a highly prolific composer, the symphony orchestra being her preferred medium of composition. However, she recently has written numerous chamber works as well, and in 1996, the Hamburg Opera premiered her opera “Mother of Black-Winged Dreams” at the Munich Biennale. Kulenty teaches composition at various courses and seminars in Europe, and presents her music at festivals in Poland, Denmark, England, Germany and Holland.
20th century classical
Musical Selections
Flute Concerto No. 1 (2001) (21:57) / Hanna Kulenty [U. S. premiere]
Nicole Paiement, conductor
Anne LaBerge, quarter-tone flute
Stacey Pelinka, flute
Karla Avila, clarinet
David Henderson, soprano saxophone
Bill Aron, alto saxophone
Scott Macomber, trumpet
Zachary Maupin, horn
Everett Doner, horn
Bruce Crisp, trombone
David Kunkle, trombone
Peter Wahrhaftig, tuba
Matt Cannon, percussion
Karen Rosenak, piano
Paul Binkley, electric guitar
Stan Poplin, bass guitar
2oth century classical
Concertos (Flute with instrumental ensemble)