Other Minds Festivals ➔ Other Minds Festival: OM 10, Concert 2: 03 Works for accordion performed by Stefan Hussong

Digital Audio

Event Type
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Festival
Program Length
46 min
| broadcast
| 2004-03-05 | created
Stefan Hussong, one of Europe's premiere accordionist, was born in Koellerbach an der Saar, Germany. He received scholarships from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), Akademie Schloss Solitude and the Art Foundation of Baden-Wuerttemberg State. His repertoire encompasses all stylist periods, with an emphasis on new music. In 1987 he received the first prize at the International Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition for Contemporary Music. Hussong was awarded the Echo Classic Prize of the German Phonoacademy in the category Best Performer of the Year 1999. That same year his solo CD published by DENON with works by John Cage won the Best Record of the Year Award. Hussong has premiered more than 80 works dedicated to him and he has recorded more than 25 CDs, some of which have won several prizes. He has performed as a soloist with, among others, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Musikfabrik Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ensemble Modern, Klangforum Wien, Rundfunk Symphonieorchester Saarbruecken and Tokyo Shin Nippon Philharmonic Orchestra. He is professor of Accordion and Chamber Music at the Musikhochschule Würzburg.
Musical Selections
Banshiki no Choshi (7:07) / traditional -- Dream (1948) (9:12) / John Cage -- Bone+ (1999) (10:27) / Keiko Harada -- In a Landscape (1948) (8:02) / John Cage -- High Way for One for Accordion Solo (2000) (7:35) / Adriana Hölszky
Stefan Hussong, accordion
Avant-garde (Music)
Mixed media (Music)
Accordion music
Music -- Japan
World music
Ethnic music