KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Morning Concert: Interview of Lou Harrison at the Center for World Music

Digital Audio

Event Type
Interview and Music
Program Series
Morning Concert
Program Length
79 min
| broadcast
| 1975-07-23 | created
Charles Amirkhanian interviews Lou Harrison and Bill Colvig to promote a series of benefit concerts scheduled during the summer of 1975 at the Center of World Music in Berkeley. The features and uniqueness of the Center are discussed, and examples of music studied and performed there are presented, including the recorded music of Javanese gamelan; Chinese pipa; a selection from Harry Partch's "The Letter"; and a recording of Harrison's “Canticle No. 3” composed in 1941 and recorded at KPFK, May 27, 1973. There is also an engaging conversation regarding the creation of a gamelan from electrical conduits and pieces of aluminum which used coffee cans as resonators. The description of the adjustments that are necessary to achieve proper intonation is quite humorous and revelatory.
Microtonal music
Unconventional instruments
Musical Selections
Yogya Style Gamelan (4:00) -- [unidentified pipa music] (4:32) / Dr. Lui Pui-Yuen -- [unidentified gamelan music] (4:24) / Barbara Benary -- [improvisation on tonal structures ] (2:35) / Ibin Sina -- Castor and Pollux [excerpt] (4:34) / Harry Partch -- The Letter [excerpt] (4:34) / Harry Partch -- Canticle No. 3, for percussion (1942) / Lou Harrison
Robert Brown, conductor (Yogya Style Gamelan)
Dr. Lui Pui-Yuen, pipa (unidentified pipa music)
Barbara Benary, gamelan (unidentified gamelan music)
Tone Roads West Ensemble (Canticle No. 3)
James Tenney, conductor (Canticle No. 3)
Unconventional instruments
Microtonal music
Gamelan music
World music
Ethnic music
Musical instruments -- China
Songs (High voice) with instrumental ensemble
Septets (Ocarina, guitar, percussion (4))