Other Minds Festivals ➔ Other Minds Festival: OM 14: Panel Discussion 3

Digital Moving Image

Event Type
Lectures and Panel Discussions
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Festival
Program Length
42 mins
| broadcast
| 2009-03-07 | created
The third and final concert of OM 14 was held on March 7, 2009. The program began with Other Minds Executive and Artistic Director, Charles Amirkhanian, moderating a panel discussion with the evening’s featured composers and performers John Schneider, Michael Harrison, Chinary Ung, and Chico Mello. Different tuning systems were discussed with Schneider and Harrison demonstrating two of them while also making the prediction that future composers will be quite comfortable working with a variety of tunings. Ung then describes his interest in imperfection and Mello describes how he mixes Brazilian pop melodies with more avant-garde compositional devices such as chance operations and various vocal techniques, including singing backwards.
New music
Microtonal music
New music
Musical intervals and scales
Just intonation