Charles Amirkhanian Collection ➔ Frank Zappa’s Contract With America (1995)

Digital Audio

Event Type
Interview and Music
C Amirkhanian
Program Length
122 min
1995-02-21 | broadcast
| 1995-02-21 | created
Broadcast on February 21, 1995, as part of a KPFA fundraising drive, this program takes a look back at the life and music of Frank Zappa, who died in 1993, and includes information and excerpts from his posthumously released album “Civilization Phaze III.” In addition to hearing excerpts from this densely textured masterpiece, which combines dialogue recorded for two of Zappa’s 1960’s albums, “We’re Only in it for the Money” and “Lumpy Gravy,” mixed with avant-garde symphonic music composed and performed on the Synclavier. Also included in this touching memorial program are lengthy excerpts from a 1990 interview with J. B. Peterson of KPFK, in which the two discuss censorship and American politics, and a 1995 interview with Zappa’s widow Gail Zappa, in which she talks about her stewardship of his legacy and several recent projects in the works at Barking Pumpkin Records. Frank Zappa was a truly unique American maverick, and this program opens a rare window into aspects of his life and work that often go unnoticed by his typical rock band aficionados.
Popular music
Musical Selections
[unidentified excerpts] -- Oh-Umm [excerpt] (ca. 1993) (0:25) -- What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? (ca. 1968) (1:03) -- Reagan At Bitburg (ca. 1993) (5:41) -- N-Lite [excerpt, talked over] (ca. 1993) -- Porn Wars [excerpt] (ca. 1986) (1:12) -- What’s The Ugliest Part Of Your Body? [excerpt] -- Flower Punk [excerpt] (ca. 1968) (0:54) -- Beat The Reaper [excerpt] (ca. 1993) (0:37)
Sen. Ernest F. Hollings, speaker (Porn)
Popular music
Rock music