KPFA-FM Music Dept. ➔ Speaking of Music: Jin Hi Kim, 1 of 2
Analog Audio
Event Type
Interview and MusicOrigin
SOM.1990.04.12.AProgram Series
Speaking of MusicProgram Length
108 minPart
1 of 2Dates
1990-06-25 | broadcast| 1990-04-12 | created
Recorded on April 11,1990 as part of the San Francisco Exploratorium’s Speaking of Music series, Charles Amirkhanian interviews Jin Hi Kim about the traditional music of Korea as well as her own career as a composer, and the first female virtuoso on the komungo to experiment with free improvisation. She has performed with such musicians as Henry Kaiser, Elliot Sharp, and Joseph Celli, and has experimented with an electric komungo, samples of all of which can be heard in this excellent program.Genres
World musicFree improvisation
Musical Selections
[two samples of Korean court music] -- [a sample of Korean ceremony music] -- [demonstration of komungo music] -- [untitled improvisation] / Jin Hi Kim -- [from “No World Improvisation”] / Jin Hi Kim & Joseph Celli -- [improvisation piece] / Jin Hi Kim & Henry Kaiser -- [improvisation piece] / Jin Hi Kim, Elliot Sharp, & Joseph CelliPerformers
Jin Hi Kim, komungo (all pieces)Joseph Celli, mukhaveena (from “No World Improvisation”)
Henry Kaiser, guitar (improvisation pieces)
Elliott Sharp, guitar (improvisation pieces)
Ethnic musicMusic -- Korea
World music
Improvisation (Music)
Komungo music
Related places
San Francisco (Calif.) (was recorded at)Berkeley (Calif.) (was broadcast at)
Related Entities
Amirkhanian, CharlesKim, Jin Hi
Celli, Joseph
Kaiser, Henry
Sharp, Elliott