Other Minds Festivals ➔ Other Minds Festival: OM 12: Panel Discussion & Concert 3, 14 of 16

Digital Audio

Event Type
Other Minds
Program Series
Other Minds Festival
Program Length
125 min
14 of 16
| broadcast
| 2006-12-10 | created
Charles Amirkhanian moderates a panel discussion with the composers featured in the third concert of OM 12. Markus Stockhausen and Tara Bouman describe the various techniques they use in their performance of compositions, improvisations and intuitive music. Ronald Bruce Smith talks about his “String Quartet No. 2 ‘Nostalgia’” and Peter Sculthorpe along with didjeridu player Stephen Kent discuss the process involved in writing a part for the didjeridu when the two people involved live on different continents.

The Vancouver Sun described Ronal Bruce Smith as a composer who is “filling in silence’s blank canvas with the delicacy of an impressionist’s brush.” In his “String Quartet No. 2, ‘Nostalgia’”, a work in four movements, Smith makes reference to another musical impressionist, Maurice Ravel, borrowing material from all four movements of “Quatour à Cordes”. The Canadian composer also draws on material from jazz giant Bill Evan’s versions of “My Romance” and “Alice in Wonderland”, incorporating both quotations and formal designs from these disparate sources. Smith’s sophisticated, seductive sound world is activated by the Del Sol String Quartet, to whom the piece is dedicated.

Master didjeridu player Stephen Kent joins forces with the Del Sol String Quartet to present the world premiere of a new version of Peter Sculthorpe’s most recent string quartet. The work, which was inspired by letters from asylum seekers in Australian detention centers featured in the book “From Nothing to Zero”, comprises five movements; Loneliness, Anger, Yearning, Trauma, & Freedom. The result is a work of contrasts, containing rich melodies, aggressive rhythms in odd meters, fleeting and colorful gestures, and sweet, sustained harmonies. Sculthorpe freely bases three of the five movements upon an ancient love song from Central Afghanistan, invoking not only the agonized testimony of mistreated refugees in Australia, but further, the plight of asylum seekers everywhere.

Under the moniker Moving Sounds, Markus Stockhausen and Tara Bouman, have toured throughout Europe and the United States, offering a unique blend of compositions, improvisations, and intuitive music. Stockhausen, son of the eminent German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen, has made a name all his own as a trumpet virtuoso, having released over 50 CDs, and toured extensively as a soloist. Likewise, Dutch clarinetist Tara Bouman has developed a successful international career as a soloist and chamber musician, and has worked with prominent composers including Stockhausen, Georges Aperghis, György, Kurtag, and György, Ligeti.

(from OM Festival program guide)
Free improvisation
New music
Musical Selections
Belfor (5:24) / Markus Stockhausen
Moving Sounds:
Markus Stockhausen, trumpets
Tara Bouman, clarinets
21st century classical
Improvisation (Music)
Clarinet and trumpet music