Relâche Collection ➔ New Music America: 1987: Concert No. 5, Sussan Deyhim and Richard Horowitz, 4 of 6

Digital Audio

Event Type
Program Series
New Music America
Program Length
55 min
4 of 6
1987-10-05 | created
The 1987 New Music America Festival was held in Philadelphia during the first two weeks in October. Produced by the local ensemble Relâche, this 10 day extravaganza of adventurous musical programing featured over 20 concerts, lectures, and sound installations. A wide range of sonic delights were offered, ranging from 20th century classical works for instrumental ensemble, to examples of experimental electronic wizardry, to incomparable improvisational jazz extravaganza’s, all performed by a bevy of talented musicians and composers.

The fifth concert of NMA ‘87 began with musical chamber ensemble Relâche performing Thomas Albert’s “A Maze (With Grace), a 1975 composition in which the American composer incorporates themes from the well known song into a more sedate sonority of resonant extended notes and atmospheric vocals.

This is followed by a lengthy set of mostly unidentified works by Richard Horowitz and the Iranian vocalist and composer Sussan Deyhim. These feature syncopated beats with sounds of flutes, bass guitar, and other sundry aural elements all of which serve as the tapestry over which Deyhim lays down a wide variety of breathy chants and vocalizations. While more world beat than typical 20th century classical music, and perhaps thus a bit of a deviation from New Music America Festival’s typical fare, there is no doubting the energy and spirit that went into this remarkable performance. While versions of some of the works heard here were later released on their 1987 album “Desert Equations: Azax Attra,” others appear to be either extended improvisations or radically different versions than those later commercially released. Either way this concert is a rare live performance by two early progenitors of world fusion. tribal beat music.

This concert was held at the Painted Bride Art Center, on October 5, 1987, and generously provided to Other Minds by Joseph Franklin who directed the 1987 New Music America festival, and Werner Strobel who digitized the original tape recordings.
World music
Popular music
Musical Selections
[unidentified work No. 1], for vocals and electronics (ca. 1985-87) (4:24) / Sussan Deyhim and Richard Horowitz -- [unidentified work No. 2], for vocals electric bass, and electronics (ca. 1985-87) (2:07) / Sussan Deyhim and Richard Horowitz
Richard Horowitz, electronics
Sussan Deyhim, voice and electronics
Vocalises with electronics
World beat (Music)