New Music America '87 (Philadelphia)

Event, EV.NMA.1987.10.02-11

A curated selection of audio recordings of many performances from the 1987 New Music America festival held in Philadelphia, PA from October 2-11, 1987. The festival was produced by Relâche, the Ensemble for Contemporary Music.
New Music America was a yearly festival that featured the work of contemporary composers, composers/performers, musicians, ensembles and sonic artists creating and performing new music. In 1987 the festival was in its eighth year, and had already become a notable event for artists and audiences. Apart from presenting concerts, installations, performances and parties, the festivals were like annual conventions where ideas were shared and new alliances made. In many cases those "unknown" artists of one year became stars the following year, and not necessarily only to new music devotees. Each festival also resulted in a series of radio programs that reached audiences in the U.S. and overseas.
The participating artists of the 1987 New Music America Festival included:
Relâche, the Ensemble for Contemporary Music and guest performers
[Installations: Outdoor Works]
Alvin Curran, Leif Brush, Bob Goldberg, David Mahler
[Philadelphia Locals]
Penn Contemporary Players, Temple University Orchestra and Temple University Percussion Ensemble, Odean Pope Saxophone Choir, Byard Lancaster/David Eyges, La Associacion de Musicos Latino Americanos, The Shamanistics, Kixx
SMCQ: Societe de Musique Contemporaine du Quebec, George Russell and the Living Time Orchestra, Borbetomagus, HMP Trio, Elliot Sharp/Carbon, Rova Saxophone Quartet, Invite the Spirit, Peter Zummo Ensemble
[Installation: Performance] Linda Montano
[Installations: Exhibitions]
Brian Ransom, Richard Posner, Annson Kenney
[Special Concerts]
Marc-André Hamelin (Ives), Guy Klucevsek (Polkas), Margaret Leng Tan (Asian Composers)
[Installations and Intermedia]
Michael Winkler, Christopher Janney/Joan Brigham, Patrick Zentz
[Works By]
Thomas Albert, Robert Ashley, John Bergamo, John Cage, George Crumb, Tina Davidson, William Duckworth, Paul Epstein, Romulus Franceschini, James Fulkerson, Rolf Gehlhaar, Aaron Kernis, Alvin Lucier, Odaline de La Martinez, Bruce Mather, Stephen Montague, Roger Reynolds, Andrew Rudin, Frederic, Rzewski, Melinda Wagner, Richard Wernick
Geri Allen, Borah Bergman, Warren Burt, Anthony Coleman, Tom Cora, Philip Corner, Sussan Deihim/Richard Horowitz, Fast Forward, Anita Feldman, Fonville/LaBerge Duo, Daniel Goode, Shelley Hirsch, Joseph Kasinskas, Mary Jane Leach, Pauline Oliveros, Ned Rothenberg, Susan Stenger, Glen Velez/Layne Redmond
[Music for Computers and Performances]
Joel Chadabe, Ron Kuivila, Salvatore Martirano, Laurie Speigel, Richard Teitelbaum
[Video and Performance]
Marcelle Deschenes, Maggie Payne/Ed Tannenbaum, Peter Rose, Alain Thibault
Relâche Collection Franklin, Joseph, 1944- (has as director)
Relâche (Musical group) (has as producer) Philadelphia (Pa.)