Relâche Collection ➔ New Music America: 1987: Concert No. 15, Acoustic Explorations Pt. 1 of 4

Digital Audio

Event Type
Program Length
81 min
1 of 4
1987-10-10 | created
The 1987 New Music America Festival was held in Philadelphia during the first two weeks in October. Produced by the local ensemble Relâche, this 10 day extravaganza of adventurous musical programing featured over 20 concerts, lectures, and sound installations.

The Festival’s fifteenth concert featured works that explored the acoustic environment, with composers/performers Joseph Kasinskas, Mary Jane Leach, Susan Stenger, and Warren Burt.

ECHOES IN PALINDROMES (Joseph Kasinskas with Relâche)
This work gives an audience an awareness of the room in which it is being performed. The scores are on the walls and the performers move about the space. Sounds from their instruments are fragmented and multiplied, shards of melody are displaced in space and time. Microphonists search the acoustic cavity for points of distortion, create feedback, and ultimately, with the bassist, find the resonant frequency of the room. Part dance, part ritual, part dream, the work is an intuitive leap toward sonic truth.

This concert was held at the Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park, on October 10, 1987. The recording was provided to Other Minds by Joseph Franklin who directed the 1987 New Music America Festival, and Werner Strobel who digitized the original tape recordings.

Note: This is a binaural recording so wearing headphones is recommended.
Electro-Acoustic / Electronic
Musical Selections
Echoes in Palindromes (21:05) / Joseph Kasinskas
Laurel Wyckoff, flute
Wesley Hall, clarinet
Frederick Weiss, bass
Romulus Franceschini, microphonist
Joseph Kasinskas, microphonist
Ensembles (Musical performance groups)
Soundscapes (Music)