Relâche Collection ➔ New Music America: 1987: Concert No. 17, Daniel Goode, Pt. 1 of 3

Digital Audio

Event Type
Program Length
74 min
1 of 3
1987-10-11 | created
The 1987 New Music America Festival was held in Philadelphia during the first two weeks in October. Produced by the local ensemble Relâche, this 10 day extravaganza of adventurous musical programing featured over 20 concerts, lectures, and sound installations.

The Festival’s seventeenth and final concert featured works by Daniel Goode, Frederic Rzewski, and Pauline Oliveros.

WIND SYMPHONY (Daniel Goode)
Composed for the Wind Band, this piece was first performed as part of the Diamond Jubilee on, and for, the Staten Island Ferry in 1980.It is made up of a pulse and a set of 9 rhythmic motives for which pitches and entrances are chosen ad libitum by the performers according to guidelines in the score. The duration, dynamics, and manner of ending are decided by the ensemble. Performed by the composer, guest artists, and Relâche.

This concert was held at the Port of History Museum, on October 11, 1987. The recording was provided to Other Minds by Joseph Franklin who directed the 1987 New Music America Festival, and Werner Strobel who digitized the original tape recordings.
New music
Musical Selections
Wind Symphony (17:10) / Daniel Goode
Daniel Goode, clarinet
Stuart Dempster, trombone
Mary Jane Leach, bass clarinet
Laurel Wyckoff, flutes
Wesley Hall, clarinet
John Dulik, keyboards
Marshall Taylor, saxophones
Stephen Marcucci, saxophones
Guy Klucevsek, accordion
Chuck Holdeman, bassoon
Flossie Ierardi, percussion
Diane Monroe, violin
Instrumental ensembles
Chamber music--20th century