Relâche Collection ➔ New Music America: 1987: Concert No. 16, Bruce Mather, Pt. 3 of 5

Digital Audio

Event Type
Program Length
87 min
3 of 5
1987-10-10 | created
The 1987 New Music America Festival was held in Philadelphia during the first two weeks in October. Produced by the local ensemble Relâche, this 10 day extravaganza of adventurous musical programing featured over 20 concerts, lectures, and sound installations.

The Festival’s sixteenth concert featured works by Philip Corner, Bruce Mather, Roger Reynolds, and the Rova Saxophone Quartet.

POÈME DU DELIRE (Bruce Mather)
Three pianos: one normal pitch, one a sixth of a tone sharp, one a sixth of a tone flat. For its pitch organization, the work uses Wyschnegradsky's system of "non-octaviant spaces", modified to produce a scale of thirds and sixths of tones. Formally, it is a mosaic of six different textures. The composer found a certain delirium in composing in sixths of tones. Pierrette Le Page, Pael Helmer, and Francois Couture play pianos with the composer conducting.

This concert was held at the Port of History Museum, on October 10, 1987. The recording was provided to Other Minds by Joseph Franklin who directed the 1987 New Music America Festival, and Werner Strobel who digitized the original tape recordings.
New music
Musical Selections
Poeme du Delire (18:00) / Bruce Mather
Pierrette Le Page, piano
Pael Helmer, piano
Francois Couture, piano
Bruce Mather, conductor
Piano music (Pianos (3)
Musical intervals and scales